Thursday, March 26, 2009

Final Post

“Overnight, we, the invisible people, became visible. We became dangerous. We became terrorists, people with bombs in out luggage, poison in our homes.” (p.151)
This made me think about what’s happening now. Some people still think Muslims and Arabs are all terrorists and that they are very dangerous. But it’s not true. Like Aisha said, “I understand there are bad people in the world.”(p.152) But there are also a lot of good people in the world. Just because you look like the people who blew something up, doesn’t mean you were in on it and you’re going to blow something up. I also like how she says that they became visible overnight, because it’s true. Right after September 11, people of a certain race were suspected. Some people looked Muslim or Arab, but they were a completely different race.

I also really liked how Aisha said, “I tell none of this to make you pity me.”(p.152) She just wants to get it out there. So people can know what her family has been through. And what a lot of people go through. So people can know what the government does to people who are illegal. That not everyone who is illegal, is dangerous.

I really liked this book. Especially how it turned out. Not everything was perfect, but it worked out pretty good for everyone. I also really liked Aisha’s speech. Did you guys like the book? Did you like Aisha’s speech? What did you think of the end?


  1. Wow, really great choice of quotes! Although it is really upsetting. It's is such a sad subject. So many people were punished for things the didn't do or even dream of doing.
    I really liked this book too and I liked Aisha's speech although the ending could have been better. She didn't talk about her experience in high school at all and I would think that that is mostly what a valedictorian is about but I think she did it well any way. I liked the end of the book as well. :)

  2. I think, overall, I liked this book. Although it wasn't the most well written, I believe it had a good metaphors and an even better message. I think that Aisha's speech was very brave, and strong. I do not thin it was something that you would say as a Valedictorian, but then again, I've never been to a high school graduation. I thought the end was okay, although I thought that the end wasn't exactly realistic, but it was nice.
    Very nice last blog, Talia. Will you miss it?

  3. Very good point, Talia. Your first paragraph is something we talked about A LOT in our immigration project. I completely agree with you, but I have to say that I see the government's side as well. The people who attacked the twin towers all had their religion and culture in common, so there MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be reason to question if there is another possible threat from that race, and if there is we should be ready.

    I didn't like the book at first, but now that I think about it, it was really good. I LOVED AISHA'S SPEECH, but it was weird as a valedictory.

  4. I thought the book was really good, although as Dan said, there was a lot of tell, not show. I LOVED Aisha's speech though. I think that it showed a lot of what she had bottled up inside her and she really wanted to get out. I also think she spoke for everyone from her country, because they are being treated the same way. It was so powerful, and if I had heard it I would have enjoyed it. I thought that end was happy, although probably not very realistic. I don't know for sure, but I don't think the authorities would make that kind of mistake, and even if they did I think they would just redo the trial. I mean, i love that they were allowed to stay, I am just not sure that that would really happen.

  5. Nickie, the authorities couldn't retry the case. This is something called 'Double Jeopardy'. No case can be tried twice, whether there is a mistrial or a dead jury.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, I loved Aisha's speech! It was very well spoken and brave.

  6. I agree with Megan, Maya, and Alissa that this speech wasn't very traditional, but just like everyone else, I LOVED it. It actually almost made me cry. It was surprising how fast it went by, one moment Nadira was going to talk to Mr. Friedlander, and the next she was on stage!

  7. I got more into the book than I thought I would. It wasn't as predictable as I thought it would be. Aisha's speech didn't really surprise me. It sort of shook me up. The way she just came out an said it, "And I am an illegal alien." I was like, "Wow". I agree with Maya, her speech was outspoken and defiantly brave! I agree with the quote you chose Talia, a certain race of people become recognizable terrorists overnight. There are good Muslims and bad Muslims, good Americans and bad Americans as well as all other races. I think it is massively unfair to charge someone with something because of any appearances. Good (b)log Talia.

  8. To answer your questions I really liked the end of the book and I think that Aisha's speech was perfect. While reading your blog it reminded me of how the ending said nothing about Ali-Uncle. I would have liked to know what would have happened but Marin Budhos made a good job of just "letting go" of him. I really like in the part of your quote when it says overnight we became visible. I wish that people didn't always judge the way people look without even knowing who they really are.

  9. I loved Aisha's speech, I even blogged about it! I agree with nickie.

  10. I liked the ending, but I didn't feel like I followed the characters through a set of circumstances, I felt like I jumped around with them, which didn't lead to as much character development as there could/should have been.

    I agree with Alissa. Agree with Nickie, especially after reading the afterwards, it didn't seem like the most likely circumstances, they were REALLY lucky.

    That's kindof like having one white American guy, who blew up a shopping mall; and to then arrest almost every other white american guy in that country. It just doesn't make and sense.

    Her speech surprised me. It was amazing. I didn't think, that Aisha, nice, little, play-by-the-rules Aisha was going to do that.
    Yeah. I'll miss blogging. I kinda hope we are doing it again, but The House On Mango Street, should be good. I've heard many times that it is. :-)
