Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter 9

"I taped the chocolate cake show for you," I tell her to make her feel better. "Auntie let me use her VCR."
"Did you get Emeril?" she asks. "He was supposed to do something with crabs."
"I'll get the rerun."
(page 70)

I thought it was interesting that Nadira was trying to make everything better. I think she might have been surprised that it actually worked. But her mom also asked her if she got something else, but she didn't so it made her not as happy. It stood out to me because it was a little part of the book that wasn't sad. It was like a little lift in everyone's spirit. But then it changes right after Nadira hangs up and Tareq comes to talk to them. I think it was a good step for Nadira to try to make her mom feel good. Even though it was a little like Aisha. Aisha was being a little nicer. I think she realized that they are sisters and they need to be their for eachother. Well atleast I think they need to be there for eachother. I'm not sure if Aisha has fully realized that yet. But she's almost there.


  1. I also thought that it was really sweet of Nadira to try and make her mother feel better. This seems like something hard to do under the circumstances, but I have a feeling that it cheered her mother up at least a little bit. I'm wondering why you thought that it was like something that Aisha would do?

    They do seem to be getting better at communicating, little by little...

  2. To me it seems that Nadira is nicer than Aisha. Maybe that's just me, though.

  3. "I think she realized that they are sisters and they need to be their for each other. Well at least I think they need to be there for each other. I'm not sure if Aisha has fully realized that yet. But she's almost there."

    Aisha can be stuck up sometimes and I think she just doesn't want to admit that she needs help sometimes. She seems to have a lot of pride within her that makes her feel that she should be strong, so she puts on this "strong face". I agree though, they seem to be getting better at communication. Great Job, Talia! Good connections.

  4. Robin, when i said that Aisha is nicer, I meant she's being nicer than she was, not nicer than Nadira is.
