Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter 5

“Either they speak like I’m a little baby who can’t understand the stupidest thing, or they gaze at me with the weight and sadness of the world behind their eyes, making me feel so confused I wish they’d just shut up.”

When I read this part in chapter 5, I felt really bad for Nadira. The adults either think of her as a little baby or an adult. She seems to take on more responsibilities than Aisha even though she is younger. I also like how Marina Budhos described the eyes of the adults. She always explains everything with detail and the similes always make sense, but I would never have thought of it that way.
This reminds me of when my dad’s mom died and he cried; he never cries. When my parents looked at me, I got really confused and scared because I was little and I didn’t know what they were trying to tell me with their eyes. I just wanted them to stop.
I also like how Nadira said she would wish they’d just shut up. I think that shows that she is speaking up more even though she doesn’t say it aloud; she is thinking it. I think if she told them to be quiet because she was trying to do her homework, that would be a step towards speaking up.

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